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Links to Grants Offered by Other Agencies

The FRAQMD is posting information on grants offered by other agencies as a service to the residents of Yuba and Sutter counties.  If you have questions regarding these grants please contact the applicable agencies, not FRAQMD staff.


Drive Clean Assistance Program

The Driving Clean Assistance Program (DCAP), in partnership with the California Air Resources Board (CARB), provides incentives statewide in California to assist low-income and disadvantaged communities in purchasing clean air vehicles. This program aims to combat climate change and predatory lending practices while also offering continuous financial coaching.


 Clean School Bus Rebate Program

The fourth round of federal funding to replace  existing school buses.


California Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure Incentive Project

The Zero-Emission School Bus and Infrastructure (ZESBI) incentive project pairs zero-emission school bus vehicle incentives through the California Air Resources Board (CARB), with charging infrastructure incentives through the California Energy Commission (CEC). A total of $500 million is appropriated from Senate Bill (SB) 114 for ZESBI. In Fiscal Year 2023-24, $375 million is allocated to support purchases of qualifying zero-emission (ZE) school buses and $125 million is allocated to support infrastructure and associated cost incentives.
ZESBI’s initial application window will open on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 10:00am Pacific Time and remain open until Monday, September 30, 2024, at 5:00pm Pacific Time.


SECAT Funding for Zero Emission Vehicles

The Sacramento Metropoliton Air Quality Management District is accepting applications for the SECAT Program.  Currently, the SECAT Program provides grant funding to replace on-road heavy-duty diesel vehicles that have 2006 and older model year engines with diesel particulate filter (DPF) retrofits or other limited exempt vehicles, with a cleaner emission vehicle.  Contact Patrick Robinson at (916) 874-6276 or visit the website link above for more information.


CALeVIP 2.0 Rebates

Providing rebates for electric vehicle charging stations. 


CA Energy Commission Rural Electric Vehicle Charging

Accepting applications until 3/11/22.  Eligible applicants are public and private entities.  Projects must support rural EV drivers.


Healthy Soils Program

The Healthy Soils Program stems from the California Healthy Soils Initiative, a collaboration of state agencies and departments to promote the development of healthy soils on California's farmlands and ranchlands.  The HSP has two components: the HSP Incentives Program and the HSP Demonstration Projects. The HSP Incentives Program provides financial assistance for implementation of conservation management that improve soil health, sequester carbon and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The HSP Demonstration Projects showcase California farmers and rancher's implementation of HSP practices.


Zero-Emission Medium and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Pilot Loan Program

The New Program will help small fleet owners affected by CARB's In-Use Truck and Bus regulation to secure financing for upgrading their fleets with newer trucks.


VW Mitigation Trust Grants

Transit or Shuttle Buses

Zero Emission Trucks or Diesel Trucks/Freight

Freight and Marine Projects

Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure - now open and accepting applications as of May 12, 2021


Rural School Bus Pilot Project

The pilot project seeks to accelerate the turnover of California school bus fleets to lower carbon transportation choices, especially in rural school district.  Eligible project types include:

  • Fleet expansion for zero-emission school buses
  • Bus replacement for conventional fuel buses with a hyrbid or internal combustion engine. The projects will require the use of renewable fuel types

Visit the website above or contact (707) 443-3093 with questions.  


California Energy Commission School Bus Replacement

The CEC has posted information about a new grant program for school bus replacement.  The Program will offer funding in 2018.  The deadline to comment on the Program Concept is February 28, 2018.



Goods Movement Emission Reduction Program (GMERP)

The Sacramento Metropoliton Air Quality Management District is accepting applications until June 30, 2017, for Heavy Duty Trucks and Transport Refrigeration Units.  They will host a workshop on April 26 from 3:00 to 5:00 at the SMAQMD office in Sacramento.  For more information contact Kristian Damkier at (916) 874-4892. 


Urban Greening Grant Program

 The California Natural Resources Agency is accepting applications until May 1st, 2017, for projects that:

  • Sequester and store carbon by planting trees
  • Reduce building energy use by planting trees to shade buildings
  • Reduce commute vehicle miles by constructing bicycle paths, bicycle lanes, or pedestrian facilities that provide safe routes for travel between residences, workplaces, commercial centers, and schools. 


2016 School Bus Replacement and Retrofit Rebates

Approximately $7 million is available in rebates to public school bus fleet owners for the replacement or retrofit of older school buses.  Offered by the US EPA.  Applications due November 1, 2016.